The project Water.Net, “Water Protection Thematic Park Actions” has been approved in the frame of EU IPA-CBC “Greece - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007-2013. Partners are, the Municipality of Edessa(OLP), Municipality of Ohrid(LP), Alexander Technical Institute of Salonica (PP3) and Faculty of Tourism in Ohrid(PP4). The Project’s aim is to support the cross-border cooperation, to promote the importance of water, to develop cross-border water environment protection and to strengthen cross-border education, recreation & environment business transactions.
In the frame of the project many actions will be organised such as:
Mobile environmental information units - Control access points with relevant equipment in both cities with the possibility of presentation of water as the most important factor for shaping the common environment identity of cross border regions.
Controlled environmental educational paths and recreational activities based on the value of water and the approach through exhibitions of the five human senses. A key innovation is the gastronomy of water which is the base of molecular gastronomy. There is even an organized botanical garden with an exhibition of herbs related to the gastronomy of water.
Alongside a common (3 lingual) water net guide is being designed with references to legends of water, fairies and the god of water and of course references to mountainous cuisine, festivals and fairs, traditional music and gastronomy products based on water quality.
In addition the guide includes business catalogs concerning thematic activities, foods & beverages, hospitality and rich local products.
Three Dissemination Events & one Congress in Edessa, Ohrid and Thessaloniki for the project promotion with the attendance of target groups and stakeholders from both partner countries.
Also a special electronic website is being constructed improving volunteerism and social networking for observation, promotion and protection of water paths as well as promoting gastronomy and local products.
Furthermore educational applications with mobile electronic equipment and tools are being built in order to initiate young pupils / students in the water ecology to highlight the value of water and the effect on local products to healthy diet. Also there will be special material for the promotion of the program and better the dissemination of information
Also made.
The total amount of project is 530.000 €.